DEKARBON offers comprehensive Carbon and Energy services to reduce Carbon Footprint sustainably

  • Carbon Analytics
  • Carbon Emission Calculation
  • Advisory on strategy to reduce emissions
  • Training and assessment on Carbon Footprint
  • Carbon Neutral Certification
  • Study on Carbon pricing policy and economic value
  • Advisory on carbon taxation and/or carbon trade
  • Carbon trade advisory for compliance/voluntary markets
  • Feasibility study on renewable energy implementation
  • Feasibility study on energy conservation
  • Offset Project concept development & documentation
  • Training to identify potential offset projects
  • Advisory services on Climate Change and Sustainability issues
  • Assessment on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
  • Study on climate change impact and related policies
  • Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV)


Various initiatives related to carbon emissions measurement has urged organization to drastically reduce GHG emissions & energy consumption

Key components of DEKARBON Carbon Footprint services include:

  • Identification of boundary for carbon emission for an organization / facility / product
  • Calculation of Carbon Footprint
  • Recommendation and assessment of opportunities for carbon management strategies

DEKARBON supports organization to communicate sustainability using appropriately recognized standards, such as GHG Protocol standard and Indonesia government guideline for GHG accounting


Carbon markets have been leveraged by Nations & Corporations to meet their climate & sustainability goals with issuance of Presidential Decree 98/2021 on Carbon Pricing and Finalization of Article 6 Rulebook of Paris Agreement

  • Growing carbon market is expected to drive demand for goods and services related to low carbon project development, project financing, trading, and Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV)
  • Carbon tax implementation begins for coal-fired power stations in Indonesia and is expected to reach all sectors in the economy to reduce carbon emissions
  • Carbon credits provide a decarbonization pathway across sectors and represent opportunity to support emission reductions


Carbon Neutral certification demonstrates organization’s commitment to decarbonization and willingness to offset remaining impacts

  • PAS 2060 standard as internationally recognized and applicable specifications for demonstration of carbon neutrality
  • Differentiate businesses as being environmentally responsible
  • Carbon Neutral status enhances businesses’ sustainability credentials and gain competitive edge on being green
  • Alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Carbon Offsetting allows organizations to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their own carbon footprints and provide future economic benefits

  • Completely eliminating emissions through mitigation is not always possible
  • Carbon offset is thus a crucial tool helping organizations to achieve the goal towards carbon neutral and net zero emissions
  • Selected offset projects are expected to provide operational cost savings in long-term
  • Carbon offset can also provide businesses with economic benefits and opportunity of economic viability in the future (inflation of offset prices) due to increased demands


Organization’s Climate Change and Sustainability strategy is becoming increasingly essential to manage risks and capture opportunities towards improving resilience and performance

  • Climate change and sustainability are of vital importance for any company or organization to become and stay competitive.
  • DEKARBON can help companies and organizations across various sectors and industries to actively develop, implement and manage environmental and climate related sustainable solutions
  • Understanding the risks and opportunities can drive further improvements to corporate strategy, reputation, operations, and ultimately financial performance.