Sri Mulyani: The Carbon Tax Seeks the Right Time

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said that the implementation of the Carbon Tax is looking for the right time. The implementation plan starting July 1, 2022 was canceled again. The government has again postponed the implementation of the carbon tax, which was previously planned for April 1, 2022.

The government is still looking at the global uncertainty factor and is waiting for the readiness of industry players for this, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained, the reason for the postponement of the carbon tax is because the domestic economy is still overshadowed global uncertainty, which keeps energy prices high.

According to him, the consideration of domestic and global conditions in implementing a carbon tax. “The implementation must remain positive for our own economy, especially energy diversification, but at the same time overcome global uncertainties, especially energy prices that are currently volatile,” Sri Mulyani told the media at the Indonesian House of Representatives last Monday.

He admitted that currently, European countries use coal more as fuel because Russia no longer exports oil or gas to western countries due to economic sanctions. Thus, the implementation of a carbon tax needs to take that into account.

Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained the reason for delaying the implementation of the carbon tax (carbon tax) which should have been carried out on July 1, 2022, but did not explain how long it would be postponed, still looking for the right time.

Source: EGINDO.Co